Hello! You have reached the blog of goblin oats. I’ve been sitting in my cave collecting grains of oats of past, present, and future. Long ago, I was taught the wicked arts of gadget making. See I’m bit of a tinkerer. I like to plop my creative goblin hat on for a bit of mischief. Always happy to see new faces & don’t forget to grab some oats.
Co-creator of Tonk. You may visit here.
A common thread in all my work is the creation of technologies to increase the individual agency in society. This is a consequence of my values as: self-determination, mutual aid, free associations and equality. My belief is these values are protective against the creep- ing tyranny endemic to societies.
About My Work
Decentralized computer systems and applied cryptography; topics I broadly study and am exploring for the sake of my craft.
I am co-author of two risograph printed comic books. In the past, I ran an art collective in Oakland; my contributions being primarily a combo of poetics and technics. Sometimes I like to create music for my own personal satisfaction.